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New to Testkube? Unleash the power of cloud native testing in Kubernetes with Testkube. Get Started >

Common Issues

How do I expose Testkube to the Internet?

To expose Testkube to the Internet, you will need to create an Ingress for both the Testkube API and the Testkube dashboard.

Check the guides here for different configurations.

Access the Service Under Test (SUT) Using Testkube

  • Services inside the same Kubernetes cluster can be accessed using the address \<service-name\>.\<service-namespace\>.svc.cluster.local:\<port-number\>. If there are network restrictions configured, Testkube will need permissions to access the SUT over the local network of the cluster.
  • If Testkube and the SUT are not in the same cluster, SUT will have to be exposed to Testkube using an Ingress or a Load Balancer.

If You're Still Having Issues

If these guides do not solve the issue that you encountered or you have other questions or comments, please contact us on Slack.

Other Installation Methods

Installation on OpenShift Deployed on GCP

To install Testkube you need an empty OpenShift cluster. Once the cluster is up and running update values.yaml file, including the configuration below.

  1. Add security context for MongoDB to values.yaml:
enabled: true
fsGroup: 1000650001
runAsUser: 1000650001
enabled: false
enabled: true
runAsUser: 1000650001
runAsNonRoot: true
enabled: false
enabled: false
  1. Add security context for Patch and Migrate jobs that are a part of Testkube Operator configuration to values.yaml:
enabled: true
allowPrivilegeEscalation: false
drop: ["ALL"]

enabled: true
runAsNonRoot: true
runAsUser: 1000650000
fsGroup: 1000650000
  1. Install Testkube specifying the path to the new values.yaml file
helm install testkube kubeshop/testkube --create-namespace --namespace testkube --values values.yaml

Please notice that since we've just installed MongoDB with a testkube-mongodb Helm release name, you are not required to reconfigure the Testkube API MongoDB connection URI. If you've installed with a different name/namespace, please adjust --set testkube-api.mongodb.dsn: "mongodb://testkube-mongodb:27017" to your MongoDB service.

Installation with S3 Storage and IAM Authentication

To use S3 as storage, the steps are as follows:

  1. Configure IAM role with the following permissions:

    s3:DeleteObject s3:GetObject s3:ListBucket s3:PutObject

  1. Create a ServiceAccount with the ARN specified. e.g.
apiVersion: v1
kind: ServiceAccount
annotations: arn:aws:iam::265500248336:role/minio-example
name: s3-access
namespace: testkube

In the Helm values.yaml file: 3. Add the ARN annotation from above to testkube-api.serviceAccount.annotations. 4. Link the ServiceAccount to the testkube-api.minio.serviceAccountName and to testkube-api.jobServiceAccountName. 5. Leave minio.minioRootUser, minio.minioRootPassword and storage.port empty. 6. Set storage.endpoint to

  1. Install using Helm and the values file with the above modifications.


There are two types of storage Mongo and Minio, read more details here.