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Run Tests with GitHub Actions

The kubeshop/testkube-run-action has been deprecated and won't receive further updates. Use the Testkube Action instead.

Migrate from testkube-run-action to setup-testkube

  1. Change the uses property from kubeshop/testkube-run-action@v1 to kubeshop/setuo-testkube@v1.
uses: kubeshop/setup-testkube@v1
  1. Remove any usage of Test or Test Suite args from the with block.
  2. Use shell scripts to run testkube CLI commands directly:
# Setup Testkube
- uses: kubeshop/setup-testkube@v1
# Pro args are still available
organization: ${{ secrets.TkOrganization }}
environment: ${{ secrets.TkEnvironment }}
token: ${{ secrets.TkToken }}
# Use CLI with a shell script
- run: |
# Run one or multiple testkube CLI commands, passing any arguments you need
testkube run test some-test-name -f

Deprecated usage information:

Run on Testkube is a GitHub Action for running tests on the Testkube platform.

Use it to run tests and test suites and obtain results directly in the GitHub's workflow.


To use the action in your GitHub workflow, use the kubeshop/testkube-run-action@v1 action. The configuration options are described in the Inputs section and may vary depending on the Testkube solution you are using (cloud or self-hosted) and your needs.

The most important options you will need are test and testSuite - you should pass a test or test suite name there.

Testkube Pro

To use this GitHub Action for Testkube Pro, you need to create an API token.

Then, pass the organization and environment IDs for the test, along with the token and other parameters specific for your use case:

uses: kubeshop/testkube-run-action@v1
# Instance
organization: tkcorg_0123456789abcdef
environment: tkcenv_fedcba9876543210
token: tkcapi_0123456789abcdef0123456789abcd
# Options
test: some-test-id-to-run

It will probably be unsafe to keep this directly in the workflow's YAML configuration, so you may want to use GitHub's secrets instead.

uses: kubeshop/testkube-run-action@v1
# Instance
organization: ${{ secrets.TkOrganization }}
environment: ${{ secrets.TkEnvironment }}
token: ${{ secrets.TkToken }}
# Options
test: some-test-id-to-run

Self-hosted Instance

To run the test on self-hosted instance, simply pass the URL that points to the API, i.e.:

uses: kubeshop/testkube-run-action@v1
# Instance
# Options
test: some-test-id-to-run


Run a test on a self-hosted instance:

uses: kubeshop/testkube-run-action@v1
test: container-executor-curl-smoke

Run a test suite on a self-hosted instance:

uses: kubeshop/testkube-run-action@v1
testSuite: executor-soapui-smoke-tests

Run tests from a local repository for the PR:

uses: kubeshop/testkube-run-action@v1
organization: ${{ secrets.TkOrganization }}
environment: ${{ secrets.TkEnvironment }}
token: ${{ secrets.TkToken }}
test: e2e-dashboard-tests
ref: ${{ github.head_ref }}

Run tests with custom environment variables:

uses: kubeshop/testkube-run-action@v1
organization: ${{ secrets.TkOrganization }}
environment: ${{ secrets.TkEnvironment }}
token: ${{ secrets.TkToken }}
test: e2e-dashboard-tests
variables: |
EXECUTED_FROM="${{ github.head_ref }}"
secretVariables: |
OTHER_ENV="${{ secrets.ExternalToken }}"

Real-life Examples

testkube-run-action is also used for running Testkube internal tests with Testkube. Workflow for Testkube Dashboard E2E tests can be found here


There are different inputs available for tests and test suites, as well as for Pro and your own instance.


| Required | Name            | Description
| ✓ | test | Test name in the Testkube environment.
| ✗ | ref | Override Git reference (branch, commit, tag) for the test.
| ✗ | preRunScript | Override pre-run script for the test.
| ✗ | variables | Basic variables in the dotenv format.
| ✗ | secretVariables | Secret variables in the dotenv format.
| ✗ | executionName | Override execution name, so you may i.e. mention the PR.
| ✗ | namespace | Set namespace to run test in.

Test Suite

| Required | Name            | Description
| ✓ | testSuite | Test suite name in the Testkube environment.
| ✗ | variables | Basic variables in the dotenv format.
| ✗ | secretVariables | Variables Secret variables in the dotenv format.
| ✗ | executionName | Override execution name, so you may i.e. mention the PR.
| ✗ | namespace | Set namespace to run test suite in.

Pro and Pro On-Prem

| Required | Name         | Description
| ✓ | organization | The organization ID from Testkube Pro - it starts with tkc_org, you may find it i.e. in the dashboard's URL.
| ✓ | environment | The environment ID from Testkube Pro - it starts with tkc_env, you may find it i.e. in the dashboard's URL.
| ✓ | token | API token that has at least a permission to run specific test or test suite. Read more about creating API token in Testkube Pro.
| ✗ | url | URL of the Testkube Pro instance, if applicable.
| ✗ | dashboardUrl | URL of the Testkube Pro dashboard, if applicable, to display links for the execution.


| Required | Name         | Description
| ✓ | url | URL for the API of the own Testkube instance.
| ✗ | ws | Override WebSocket API URL of the own Testkube instance (use it only if auto-detection doesn't work).