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New to Testkube? Unleash the power of cloud native testing in Kubernetes with Testkube. Get Started >


Testkube is a Kubernetes-native test orchestration and execution framework that allows you to automate the executions of your existing testing tools inside your Kubernetes cluster, removing all the complexity from your CI/CD pipelines.

To get started, you can follow the instructions in Testkube Pro, or watch this video for a step-by-step walkthrough.

Step 1: Sign up for Testkube Pro

Create an account using GitHub or GitLab.

Sign in to Testkube

Step 2: Connect Your Kubernetes Cluster

  1. Select “Add your first environment” in the UI.

Create Environment

  1. Name your environment.

Fill in Env Name

  1. Deploy the Testkube agent in your cluster by copying our Helm or Testkube CLI command.

Copy Helm Command

Step 3: Create Your First Test

Visit Creating Your First Test for our easy to follow guide.

With Testkube you can run any kind of test in Kubernetes. Check out our native integrations or use the container executor to create your own.

Validating the Installation

Testkube Pro will notify if the installation is successful.

  • A green indicator means that your cluster was able to connect to the Testkube Pro.
  • A red indicator indicates that the Testkube Agent can't connect to the Testkube Pro API (Testkube needs some time to establish a connection, max time is 2-3 minutes).

Validate Install

In the case of a RED status you can try to debug the issues with the command below:

testkube agent debug

By default, Testkube is installed in the testkube namespace.

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