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The Testkube Open Source Agent

The Testkube Agent described in the Deployment Architectures is 100% Open Source and can be deployed in standalone mode without being managed by the commercial Control Plane.

Once deployed, you can interact with the agent through the Testkube CLI or directly via the Agent API.

Agent Functionality

As shown in Deployment Architectures, the main difference between a commercial deployment of Testkube and the standalone Agent is the Testkube Control Plane, which adds a User Interface (the Testkube Dashboard) and an underlying management layer for multiple agents ("Environments"), Org/User Mgmt, Insights/Reporting, etc.

That being said, many of the core features of Testkube are available directly in the agent via the aforementioned CLI or API:

  • Test Workflows : Manage Workflows and Templates, Run/Schedule executions (see below for limitations).
  • Logs/Artifacts : Retrieve Workflow executions, logs, artifacts.
  • Webhooks : Manage Webhooks that the Agent executes.
  • Event Triggers : Manage Event Triggers that the Agent reacts to.
  • Tests, TestSuites, Sources, Executors : Deprecated - but still available during a transition period - Read More.

See a complete feature-comparison table between OSS and Commercial below.

Workflow Limitations in Standalone Mode

The following Workflow features are not available when using the Standalone Agent, they require the Agent to be connected to the Testkube Control Plane, either on-prem or in the cloud.

Feature Comparison - Open Source vs Commercial

This table shows a more complete feature comparison between the Agent Standalone and the Testkube Orchestration Platform (Agent + Control Plane).

FeaturesTestkube AgentTestkube Orchestration PlatformRead More
TestWorkflowsX (with limitations)XDocs
Test Logs/ArtifactsXXDocs
Test TriggersXXDocs
Test, Suites, Sources, ExecutorsXXDeprecated - Read More
Testkube CLIXXDocs
REST APIUnauthenticatedAuthenticated with API TokensDocs
Dashboard / Control PlaneX (Hosted/On-Prem)Docs
Multi-environment MgmtXDocs
RBAC / User MgmtXDocs
Reporting / InsightsX
Status PagesXDocs
AI TroubleshootingXDocs
Advanced Log/Results DebuggingXDocs
Cached Test ResultsXDocs

Source Code and Licensing

The source-code for the agent is available in the testkube GitHub repo and is dual-licensed under the MIT license and the Testkube Community License (TCL). Read more in our Licensing FAQ.