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Helm Chart Installation and Usage Guide

Welcome to the Testkube Enterprise Helm chart installation and usage guide. This comprehensive guide provides step-by-step instructions for installing and utilizing the Testkube Enterprise Helm chart. Testkube Enterprise is a cutting-edge Kubernetes-native testing platform designed to optimize your testing and quality assurance processes with enterprise-grade features.

Installation of Testkube Enterprise and an Agent in the same cluster

It is possible to deploy an instance of Testkube Enteprise and connect an Agent to it in the same k8s cluster without exposing endpoints to the outside world. This way gives you a more customizable set-up and allows you to have a working environment in just a few minutes. It can be deployed locally or in any other k8s cluster.

For this you will need:

  • kubectl
  • connection to a running k8s cluster

Simply run bash <(curl -sSLf and enter a license key, the script will do the rest.


The script will do a port-forward to the following ports: 8080, 8090, 5556 in the background mode. Please make sure they are available.

The installation will take about 4-5 min, once it is completed you will have the Testkube Enterprise deployed in testkube-enterprise namespace and the Testkube Agent in testkube namespace. The UI is available at http://localhost:8080. We use Dex for authentication, so once you open the URL you will see a login page - use [email protected] and password as a username and a password respectively.

Voila! Now you can create tests, testsuites in both CLI and UI and explore the power of Testkube!


If you close a terminal you may do a port-forward with the following commands:

kubectl port-forward svc/testkube-enterprise-ui 8080:8080 --namespace testkube-enterprise &
kubectl port-forward svc/testkube-enterprise-api 8090:8088 --namespace testkube-enterprise &
kubectl port-forward svc/testkube-enterprise-dex 5556:5556 --namespace testkube-enterprise &

Installation of Testkube Enterprise and an Agent in multiple clusters


Before you proceed with the installation, please ensure that you have the following prerequisites in place:

  • Kubernetes cluster (version 1.21+)
  • Helm (version 3+)
  • cert-manager (version 1.11+) - Used for TLS certificate management.
  • NGINX Controller (version v1.8+) - Used for Ingress configuration.
  • (OPTIONAL) Prometheus Operator (version 0.49+) - used for metrics collection
  • Own a public/private domain for creating Ingress rules.
  • License Key and/or License File, if offline access is required.

NOTE While it is possible to use custom TLS certificates for the Testkube Enterprise API and Dashboard, we strongly recommend using cert-manager for easier certificate management.


Docker Images

DEPRECATION NOTICE: As of November 2023, Testkube Enterprise Docker images are publicly accessible. You only need to follow the steps in this section if you wish to re-publish the images to your private Docker registry; otherwise, you may skip this section.

To begin, ensure that you have access to the Testkube Enterprise API & Dashboard Docker images. You can either request access from your Testkube representative or upload the Docker image tarball artifacts to a private Docker registry.

Next, create a secret to store your Docker registry credentials:

kubectl create secret docker-registry testkube-enterprise-registry \
--docker-server=<your-registry-server> \
--docker-username=<your-name> \
--docker-password=<your-pword> \
--docker-email=<your-email> \

Make sure to configure the image pull secrets in your values.yaml file:

- name: testkube-enterprise-registry


Select the appropriate license type for your environment.

For air-gapped & firewalled environments, we offer an option to use an Offline License for enhanced security. An Offline License consists of a License Key and License File.

If your environment has internet access, you can use an Online License, which only requires the License Key.

Online License

If your environment has internet access, you can use an Online License, which only requires the License Key, and can be provided as a Helm parameter or Kubernetes secret.

To provide the License Key as a Helm parameter, use the following configuration:

enterpriseLicenseKey: <your license key>

To provide the License Key as a Kubernetes secret, first we need to create a secret with the required field. Run the following command to create the secret:

kubectl create secret generic testkube-enterprise-license \
--from-literal=LICENSE_KEY=<your license key> \

And then use the following Helm chart configuration:

enterpriseLicenseSecretRef: <secret name>

Offline License

For an Offline License, supply both the License Key and License File as either Kubernetes secrets or Helm parameters. Using secrets is safer, as it prevents exposing sensitive license information in Helm chart values.

The Kubernetes secret needs to contain 2 entries: license.lic and LICENSE_KEY. To create the secret with the License Key and License File, run the following command:

kubectl create secret generic testkube-enterprise-license \
--from-literal=LICENSE_KEY=<your license key> \
--from-file=license.lic=<path-to-license-file> \

After creating the secret, use the following Helm chart configuration:

enterpriseOfflineAccess: true
licenseFileSecret: testkube-enterprise-license

Alternatively, you can provide the License File as a Helm parameter:

licenseKey: <your license key>
licenseFile: <your license file>


Testkube Enterprise requires the NGINX Controller to configure and optimize its protocols. NGINX is the sole supported Ingress Controller, and is essential for Testkube Enterprise's operation.

We highly recommend installing Testkube Enterprise with Ingress enabled. This requires a valid domain (public or private) with a valid TLS certificate. Ingresses are enabled and created by default.

To disable Ingress creation, adjust the following values accordingly. Note that you must then manually configure the API & Dashboard services to maintain accessibility:

enabled: false

serveHTTPS: false


To ensure the reliable functioning of gRPC and Websockets protocols, Testkube Enterprise is locked in with NGINX Ingress Controller.

Below are current configurations per Ingress resource which ensure Testkube Enterprise protocols work performant and reliably. It is not recommended to change any of these settings!

gRPC Ingress annotations:

annotations: 8m "10800" "10800"

Websockets Ingress annotations:

annotations: "3600" "3600"

If you want to use a different Ingress Controller, please reach out to our support team.


Testkube Enterprise requires a domain (public or internal) under which it will expose the following services:

dashboard.<your-(sub)domain>Dashboard UI
api.<your-(sub)domain>REST API
agent.(sub)<your-domain>gRPC API
websockets.(sub)<your-domain>WebSockets API
storage.(sub)<your-domain>Storage API
status.(sub)<your-domain>Status Pages API


For best the performance, TLS should be terminated at the application level (Testkube Enterprise API) instead of NGINX/Ingress level because gRPC and Websockets protocols perform significantly better when HTTP2 protocol is used end-to-end. Note that NGINX, by default, downgrades the HTTP2 protocol to HTTP1.1 when the backend service is using an insecure port.

If cert-manager (check the Prerequisites for installation guide) is installed in your cluster, it should be configured to issue certificates for the configured domain by using the Issuer or ClusterIssuer resource. Testkube Enterprise Helm chart needs the following config in that case:

certificateProvider: "cert-manager"
issuerRef: <issuer|clusterissuer name>

By default, Testkube Enterprise uses a ClusterIssuer cert-manager resource, that can be changed by setting the testkube-cloud-api.api.tls.certManager.issuerKind field to Issuer.

If cert-manager is not installed in your cluster, valid TLS certificates (for API & Dashboard) which cover the following subdomains need to be provided:

  • API (tls secret name is configured with testkube-cloud-api.api.tls.tlsSecret field)
    • api.<your-domain>
    • agent.<your-domain>
    • websockets.<your-domain>
    • status.<your-domain>
  • Dashboard (TLS secret name is configured with testkube-cloud-ui.ingress.tlsSecretName field)
    • dashboard.<your-domain> Also, global.certificateProvider should be set to blank ("").
certificateProvider: ""

Custom certificates

In order to use custom certificates, first a secret needs to be created with the following entries:

  • tls.crt - the certificate
  • tls.key - the private key
  • ca.crt - the CA certificate (if the certificate is not self-signed)

If certificate-based authentication is required, the custom certificates need to be configured in the following places:

  • Enterprise API
    • If MINIO_ENDPOINT is set to an exposed URL, then the following Helm values need to be configured:
      • The following Helm parameter needs to be enabled to inject the custom certificate into MinIO testkube-cloud-api.minio.certSecret.enabled: true
      • If the certificate is not self-signed, the CA cert needs to be injected also by enabling the Helm parameter testkube-cloud-api.minio.mountCACertificate: true
      • Custom certificate verification can also be skipped by setting testkube-cloud-api.minio.skipVerify: true
    • If MINIO_ENDPOINT uses the Kubernetes DNS record (testkube-enterprise-minio.<namespace>.svc.cluster.local:9000), AGENT_STORAGE_HOSTNAME should be set to point to the exposed storage URL
  • Agent
    • Agent API
      • If the Enterprise API is configured to use certificate-based authentication or is using a certificate signed by a custom CA, the Agent API needs to be configured to use the same certificates by pointing to the Kubernetes secret which contains the certificates
      • Custom certificate verification can also be skipped by setting true
    • Storage
      • The following Helm parameter needs to be enabled to inject the custom certificate into MinIO true
      • If the certificate is not self-signed, the CA cert needs to be injected also by enabling the Helm parameter testkube-cloud-api.minio.mountCACertificate: true
      • Custom certificate verification can also be skipped by setting true


Testkube Enterprise utilizes Dex for authentication and authorization. For detailed instruction on configuring Dex, please refer to the Identity Provider document.


Testkube Enterprise exposes Prometheus metrics on the /metrics endpoint and uses a ServiceMonitor resource to expose them to Prometheus. In order for this to work, you need to have Prometheus Operator installed in your cluster so that the ServiceMonitor resource can be created.

Use the following configuration to enable metrics:

enabled: true


Testkube Enterprise allows you to invite users to Organizations and Environments within Testkube, granting them specific roles and permissions.

There are two supported invitation modes: email and auto-accept. Use email to send an invitation for the user to accept, and auto-accept to automatically add users without requiring acceptance.

Invitations Via Email

If testkube-cloud-api.api.inviteMode is set to email, Testkube Enterprise will send emails when a user gets invited to an Organization or an Environment and when SMTP settings need to be configured in the API Helm chart.

fromEmail: "[email protected]"
fromName: "Example Invitation"
inviteMode: email
host: <smtp host>
port: <smtp port>
username: <smtp username>
password: <smtp password>
# password can also be referenced by using the `passwordSecretRef` field which needs to contain the key SMTP_PASSWORD
# passwordSecretRef: <secret name>

Auto-accept Invitations

If testkube-cloud-api.api.inviteMode is set to auto-accept, Testkube Enterprise will automatically add users to Organizations and Environments when they get invited.

inviteMode: auto-accept

Organization and Environment Management

Testkube Pro On-Prem allows you to manage organizations and environments using configuration.

enabled: true
- name: prod_organization
- name: production_1
- name: production_2

On startup, the prod_organization organization with two environments, production_1 and production_2 will be created.

Next, you can enhance the configuration to automatically add new users to organizations and environments with predefined roles. For example, the following config makes new users join prod_organization as a member role and use production_1 environment as a run role:

enabled: true
- prod_organization
- name: prod_organization
default_role: member
- production_1
- name: production_1
default_role: run
- name: production_2

Note: The default organization and environment mapping only apply on first sign in. After, you can remove users from environments or change roles thru Testkube UI.

Additionally, by default, Testkube Pro creates a personal organization for every new user. When using default organization and environment configuration, you can turn off personal organizations using the following config:

disablePersonalOrgs: true

Bring Your Own Infra

Testkube Enterprise supports integrating with existing infrastructure components such as MongoDB, NATS, Dex, etc.


Testkube Enterprise uses MongoDB as a database for storing all the data. By default, it will install a MongoDB instance using the Bitnami MongoDB Helm chart.

If you wish to use an existing MongoDB instance, you can configure the following values:

enabled: false

dsn: <mongodb dsn (mongodb://...)>


Testkube Enterprise uses NATS as a message broker for communication between API and Agents.

If you wish to use an existing NATS instance, you can configure the following values:

enabled: false

uri: <nats uri (nats://...)>


Testkube Enterprise uses MinIO as a storage backend for storing artifacts.

If you wish to use an existing MinIO instance, you can configure the following values:

enabled: false
minio: {} # check out the `testkube-cloud-api.api.minio` block in the values.yaml for all available settings


Testkube Enterprise uses Dex as an identity provider.

If you wish to use an existing Dex instance, you can configure the following values:

issuer: <dex issuer url>
enabled: false
oauth: {} # check out the `testkube-cloud-api.api.oauth` block in the values.yaml for all available settings


  1. Add our Testkube Enterprise Helm registry:
    helm repo add testkubeenterprise
  2. Create a values.yaml with preferred configuration.
  3. Run helm install testkube-enterprise testkubeenterprise/testkube-enterprise -f values.yaml --namespace testkube-enterprise.

IMPORTANT The Bitnami MongoDB Helm chart does not work reliably on ARM architectures. If you are installing MongoDB using this chart, you need to use an ARM compatible image:

repository: zcube/bitnami-compat-mongodb
tag: "6.0.5"

Production Setup

For best performance and reliability, users should follow this official setup guide and make sure each section is properly configured.

  1. Configure DNS records as described in the Domain section
  2. Configure TLS certificates as described in the TLS section
  3. Configure Dex as described in the Auth section
  4. Configure Ingress as described in the Ingress section
  5. Configure Metrics as described in the Metrics section
  6. Configure Invitations as described in the Invitations section
  7. Configure BYOI components as described in the Bring Your Own Infra section
  8. Install Testkube Enterprise as described in the Installation section


Q: Testkube Enterprise API is crashing (pod is in Error/CrashLoopBackOff state) with the following error:

panic: license file is invalid

A: Make sure the license file ends with a newline character. There should be a new line after the -----END LICENSE FILE----- line in the license file.