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Test Workflows Examples - Expressions

Expressions Language

We have designed a simple expressions language, that allows dynamic evaluation of different values.


It is built on JSON, so every JSON syntax is a valid expression value as well, like [ "a", "b", "c" ].


You can do basic math easily, like config.workers * 5.


Built-in Variables

General Variables

There are some built-in variables available in most of the places;

  • env - Object has a reference to the environment variables.
  • config - Object has a reference to defined configuration variables.
  • execution - Object has some execution data.

Contextual Variables

In some contexts, there are additional variables available.

As an example, while writing the condition, you can use variables like passed (bool), failed (bool), always (true), never (false), status (string) that refer to current status of the TestWorkflow.

Built-in Variables

Built-in Functions

Casting Functions

There are some functions that help to cast or serialize values, such as int, json, tojson, yaml, and toyaml.

General Functions

There are some functions that aid in working with data, i.e. join, split, floor, round, trim, len, map, filter, jq, shellparse or shellquote.

File System Functions

You can as well read the file system in the Test Workflow to determine values based on that. You can read files with file function, or list files with glob.

Built-in Functions