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Testkube Open Source

The Testkube Agent is 100% Open Source and can be deployed in standalone mode without being connected to the commercial Control Plane.

Once deployed, you can interact with the agent through the Testkube CLI or directly via the Agent API. This section explains and guides you through the installation, setup, running and verifying tests with the Testkube Agent in Standalone Mode.

Getting Started with the Testkube Agent

1. Install the Testkube Agent in Standalone Mode

The Testkube Standalone Agent can be installed using Testkube CLI or Helm - Installation Instructions.

After installation, you can check the status of the deployed components to ensure everything is running correctly.

kubectl get all -n testkube

2. Create a Test Workflow

Testkube uses Test Workflows to define how to run your tests, here is an example using a k6 test:

kind: TestWorkflow
name: ephemeral-test
namespace: testkube
revision: main
- k6/testkube.js
workingDir: /data/repo/k6/
image: grafana/k6:0.49.0
- name: Run test
shell: |
k6 run testkube.js

Save the above manifest in testworkflow.yaml. Run the following command to create a Test Workflow on the cluster using the Testkube CLI:

testkube create testworkflow -f testworkflow.yaml

Alternatively, you can use kubectl to apply the Test Workflow:

kubectl apply -f testworkflow.yaml

Testkube uses Kubernetes CRDs to define its core resources - Read More.

3. Verify the Deployment of Test Workflow

Run the following command to verify:

testkube get testworkflows

Expected output:

NAME           | DESCRIPTION | CREATED                       | LABELS  | STATUS | EXECUTION ID  
ephemeral-test | | 2025-02-17 14:51:10 +0000 UTC | test=k6 |

4. Execute your Test Workflow

The Testkube CLI provides a run command to execute a Test Workflow. Let us go ahead and execute the ephemeral-test Test Workflow.

testkube run testworkflow ephemeral-test

Expected output:

Context:  (2.1.88)   Namespace: testkube

Test Workflow Execution:
Name: ephemeral-test
Execution ID: 67b34e1e29a84abec76e0a14
Execution name: ephemeral-test-1
Execution namespace:
Execution number: 1
Requested at: 2025-02-17 14:56:30.314865414 +0000 UTC
Disabled webhooks: false
Status: queued

$ Watch test workflow execution until complete \
kubectl testkube watch twe 67b34e1e29a84abec76e0a14
$ Use following command to get test workflow execution details \
kubectl testkube get twe 67b34e1e29a84abec76e0a14

Use the -f flag to immediately follow an execution when creating it - Read More.

5. View Test Workflow execution status

You can monitor the test execution process by watching the status:

testkube watch twe <execution_id>

Replace <execution_id> with the Execution ID provided in the output of testkube run command.

Use the following command to get Test Workflow status:

testkube get testworkflows

Expected output:

Context:  (2.1.88)   Namespace: testkube

ephemeral-test | | 2025-02-17 14:51:10 +0000 UTC | test=k6 | passed | 67b34e1e29a84abec76e0a14

The Test Workflow has been successfully executed. Testkube performs the following steps in Test Workflow execution:

  • Initializes the environment.
  • Clones the GitHub repository.
  • Runs the shell command for the k6 test execution.
  • Uploads the artifacts if found.

6. View Test Logs & Artifacts

Testkube manages the logs and artifacts produced by your tests and makes them available via CLI. To access extensive logs of Test Workflow execution, you can use the below command with the EXECUTION ID.

testkube get twe <execution_id>

For retrieving artifacts you can use

testkube download artifacts <execution_id>

Next Steps

Congrats on getting up and running with Testkube, now you can

Migrating from OSS to Commercial

Migrating from a Standalone Agent deployment to utilizing the Testkube Control plane is described at Connecting to the Testkube Control Plane.

Source Code and Licensing

The source-code for the agent is available in the Testkube GitHub repo and is dual-licensed under the MIT license and the Testkube Community License (TCL). Read more in our Licensing FAQ.