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Standalone Testkube Agent


Testkube standalone agent includes our full test execution and orchestration engine. This means that all CRDs are available, you can apply triggers and run test workflows, then afterward view the resulting status, logs and artifacts.

Overall, there are few reasons to run the agent without the control plane, which comes with a Dashboard and many other features. The main benefit is that this works better in resource constrained environments and that it is 100% open-source.


Read more about the Testkube Open Source Agent to learn how it compares to the commercial Testkube offering.

Installing the standalone Agent

You can install with the CLI or Helm. The following components will be installed into your Kubernetes cluster:

  • Create a Testkube namespace.
  • Deploy the Testkube API.
  • Use MongoDB for test results and Minio for artifact storage (optional; disable with --no-minio).
  • Testkube will listen and manage all the CRDs for Tests, TestSuites, Executors, etc… inside the Testkube namespace.

Once installed you can verify your installation and check that Testkube is up and running with kubectl get all -n testkube. Once validated, you're ready to unleash the full potential of Testkube in your environment. Testkube OSS is here to help you to powering your development and testing workflows seamlessly.

With the CLI

You can install the standalone agent by executing the following command. By default it will install within the testkube namespace for your current Kubernetes context.

testkube init

With Helm

Add the Kubeshop Helm repository:

helm repo add kubeshop

If this repo already exists, run helm repo update to retrieve the latest versions of the packages. You can then run helm search repo testkube to see the charts.

Install the Helm Chart with defaults:

helm upgrade --install \
--create-namespace \
--namespace testkube \
testkube kubeshop/testkube

By default, the namespace for the installation will be testkube. If the testkube namespace does not exist, it will be created for you.

Alternatively, you can customize by fetching the default values.yaml and modifying it afterward:

helm show values kubeshop/testkube > values.yaml

In this case you can install the Helm Chart as follows:

helm upgrade --install \
--create-namespace \
--namespace testkube \
-f values.yaml \
testkube kubeshop/testkube

The Helm Chart Docs include a list of all available values properties.


See upgrade for instructions on how to upgrade the standalone agent.


With the CLI

testkube uninstall

With Helm

helm delete --namespace testkube testkube kubeshop/testkube

Connecting to a control plane

In case you decide that you want to go beyond a standalone agent, you can connect it to a Testkube control plane. The following command which will guide you through the migration process. All test definitions will stay the same, however, historical test results data or artifacts won't be copied to the control plane.

testkube pro connect

To complete the procedure, you will finally have to set your CLI Context to talk to Testkube.


Log Storage

Testkube can be configured to use different storage for test logs output that can be specified in the Helm values.

## Logs storage for Testkube API.
## where the logs should be stored there are 2 possible valuse : minio|mongo
storage: "minio"
## if storage is set to minio then the bucket must be specified, if minio with s3 is used make sure to use a unique name
bucket: "testkube-logs"

When mongo is specified, logs will be stored in a separate collection so the execution handling performance is not affected.

When minio is specified, logs will be stored as separate files in the configured bucket of the MinIO instance or the S3 bucket if MinIO is configured to work with S3.

Artifact Storage

Testkube allows you to save supported files generated by your tests, which we call Artifacts.

The engine will scrape the files and store them in Minio in a bucket named by execution ID and collect all files that are stored in the location specific to each workflow.

The available configuration parameters in Helm charts are:

ParameterIs optionalDefaultDefault of the S3 bucket Key ID Key Token whether SSL communication is to be enabled.

The API Server accepts the following environment variables:


Which can be set while installing with Helm:

helm install --create-namespace my-testkube kubeshop/testkube --set STORAGE_ENDPOINT=custom_value

Alternatively, these values can be read from Kubernetes secrets and set:

- env:
secretName: test-secret

Deploying on OpenShift

To install the standalone agent Testkube on an Openshift cluster you will need to include the following configuration:

  1. Add security context for MongoDB to values.yaml:
enabled: true
fsGroup: 1000650001
runAsUser: 1000650001
enabled: false
enabled: true
runAsUser: 1000650001
runAsNonRoot: true
enabled: false
enabled: false
  1. Add security context for Patch and Migrate jobs that are a part of Testkube Operator configuration to values.yaml:
enabled: true
allowPrivilegeEscalation: false
drop: ["ALL"]

enabled: true
runAsNonRoot: true
runAsUser: 1000650000
fsGroup: 1000650000
  1. Install Testkube specifying the path to the new values.yaml file
helm install testkube kubeshop/testkube --create-namespace --namespace testkube --values values.yaml

Please notice that since we've just installed MongoDB with a testkube-mongodb Helm release name, you are not required to reconfigure the Testkube API MongoDB connection URI. If you've installed with a different name/namespace, please adjust --set testkube-api.mongodb.dsn: "mongodb://testkube-mongodb:27017" to your MongoDB service.

Deploying on AWS

If you are using Amazon Web Services, this tutorial will show you how to deploy Testkube OSS in EKS and expose its API to the Internet with the AWS Load Balancer Controller.


First, we will need an existing Kubernetes cluster. Please see the official documentation on how to get started with an Amazon EKS cluster here.

Once the cluster is up and running we need to deploy the AWS Load Balancer Controller. For more information, see Installing the AWS Load Balancer Controller add-on.

Another important point is ExternalDNS. It is not compulsory to deploy it into your cluster, but it helps you dynamically manage your DNS records via k8s resources.

And last, but not least - install the Testkube CLI. You can download a binary file from our installation page. For how to deploy Testkube to your cluster with all the necessary changes, please see the next section.


Please mind that is it necessary to install EBS CSI driver to mount PV into your k8s cluster.

Ingress and Service Resources Configuration

To deploy and expose Testkube API to the outside world, you will need to create an Ingress resource for Testkube's API server. In this tutorial, we will be updating values.yaml that later will be passed to the helm install command.

In order to use the AWS Load Balancer Controller we need to create a values.yaml file and add the following annotation to the Ingress resources:

annotations: alb

Once this annotation is added, Controller creates an ALB and the necessary supporting AWS resources.

The example configuration using HTTPS protocol might look like the following:

Testkube API Ingress:

enabled: true
annotations: alb testkube-api ip HTTP '[{"HTTP": 80},{"HTTPS": 443}]' internet-facing "/health" "8088" "443" "arn:aws:acm:us-east-1:*******:certificate/*****"
path: /v1

Once we are ready with the values.yaml file, we can deploy Testkube into our cluster:

helm repo add kubeshop

helm repo update

helm install --create-namespace testkube kubeshop/testkube --namespace testkube --values values.yaml

After the installation command is complete, you will see the following resources created into your AWS Console.

AWS Console2

Please note that the annotations may vary, depending on your Load Balancer schema type, backend-protocols, target-type, etc. However, this is the bare minimum that should be applied to your configuration.

Except for the Ingress annotation, you need to update the Service manifests with a healthcheck configuration as well. Include the lines below into your values.yaml file.

Testkube API Service:

type: ClusterIP
port: 8088
annotations: "/health" "8088"

Examples of AWS S3 Bucket configuration

If you plan to use AWS S3 Bucket for storing test artifacts, you can follow below examples

Terraform aws iam policy:

data "aws_iam_policy_document" "testkube" {
statement {
sid = "S3Buckets"
effect = "Allow"
actions = [
"s3:ListAllMyBuckets", # see
resources = [
statement {
sid = "S3Bucket"
effect = "Allow"
actions = [
resources = [
statement {
sid = "S3Object"
effect = "Allow"
actions = [
resources = [

Teskube helm values:

jobServiceAccountName: testkube-api-server # reuse the service-account from testkube-api
enabled: true # required to be able to access AWS S3 (minio is used as a proxy)
minioRootUser: ""
minioRootPassword: ""
serviceAccountName: testkube-api-server # reuse the service-account from testkube-api
annotations: arn:aws:iam::111111111111:role/my-dev-testkube
accessKeyId: ""
accessKey: ""
location: eu-central-1
bucket: my-testkube-dev
SSL: true
endpoint_port: ""
storage: "minio"
bucket: my-testkube-dev