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The features described in this document are being deprecated. You can find more details about the current Testkube features to perform these functions here.

Templates allow you to store templates for other resources used in Testkube. We support a list of templates job | container | cronjob | scraper | pvc | webhook | pod. To define templates in Testkube, you'll need to provide a template body (in Golang template format) and a type of the template.

Testkube provides access to the Sprig functions library in templates.

Creating a Template

The template can be created using the API, CLI, or a Custom Resource.

If you prefer to use the API for creating a template, please visit the Core OSS API spec for templates in the doc below.

OpenAPI spec

Using Templates

You will need to refer to a template in the corresponding reference field of the resource.

Check templateReference fields in the Core OSS API spec. For example, Test -> executionRequest -> jobTemplateReference field. OpenAPI spec