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Triggering Tests

Once your test execution has been defined, you’re tasked with triggering your tests:

  • If you’ve defined them as part of a workflow/pipeline in CI/CD, your test executions will be triggered accordingly by your CI/CD solution(s).
  • If you’re using a GitOps approach you might want to trigger tests after certain Kubernetes events occur in your clusters, for example, when a pod has been updated.
  • If you’re running non-functional tests (load, security, compliance, etc), you might want to trigger these either manually (when your infrastructure is ready) or on a regular basis - decoupled from CI/CD - for example, run security tests on a daily basis.
  • Finally, you might want to trigger any test execution manually, for example to run acceptance tests, or rerun failed automated tests to see if they are working properly after a system update, without having to run the entire CI/CD pipeline.

In reality, any combination of the above applies in most cases - both automated and manual triggering of tests is required for a successful testing process.

Triggering tests is either automated or done manually by either DevOps (for example non-functional tests) or Dev/QA as needed.

Triggering Tests with Testkube

The decoupling of test definition and execution from your CI/CD is one of the most important and powerful aspects of Testkube, as this allows you to trigger your tests in any way needed:

CI/CD Integrations

Read on about Running Tests.