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Testkube Evaluation Install

This step-by-step tutorial provides you with a simplified Testkube On Prem installation that deploys both the Testkube Control Plane and Agent within the same namespace. It does not create Ingress configuration as it is mainly designed for local installations that allow you to quickly try out and evaluate the solution. It comes with a preconfigured admin account, Organization and Environment for running your tests.


For a production install we recommend using the Helm Chart for more flexibility and configurability.

1. Prerequisites

Before you can get started with the quickstart deployment, you will need the following:

  • Access to a Kubernetes cluster.
  • The helm CLI to generate the required Kubernetes YAML configurations.
  • The kubectl CLI to run commands against Kubernetes clusters.
  • The Testkube CLI for the quickstarter. For instructions, see the next section.

You will need to request a trial license that will be required during the installation process.

2. Install the Testkube CLI

You can choose one of the following methods to install the CLI:

Run the following command to install the Testkube CLI with brew on MacOS:

brew install testkube

3. Run the Testkube Installer

The installer will complete these steps:

  • Check if you have chosen the right Kubernetes environment.
  • Ask for some information, such as the trial license requested as noted above.
  • Install Testkubes Control Plane and Agent, both within the same namespace.

The whole process takes 3-5 minutes and can be started with the following command:

testkube init demo

Once installed, you will be asked if you want to testkube dashboard to conveniently access all relevant services on your localhost. You can always execute this yourself afterward should you close this terminal after installation. The admin in this demo has the following e-mail and password:


In case of issues with license please try testkube diag license command for license validation.

Happy testing!