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testkube run testworkflow

Starts test workflow execution

testkube run testworkflow [name] [flags]


      --config stringToString   configuration variables in a form of name1=val1 passed to executor (default [])
--disable-webhooks disable webhooks for this execution
-d, --download-artifacts download artifacts automatically
--download-dir string download dir (default "artifacts")
--format string data format for storing files, one of folder|archive (default "folder")
-h, --help help for testworkflow
--mask stringArray regexp to filter downloaded files, single or comma separated, like report/.* or .*\.json,.*\.js$
-n, --name string execution name, if empty will be autogenerated
--tag stringToString execution tags in a form of name1=val1 passed to executor (default [])
-f, --watch watch for changes after start

Options inherited from parent commands

  -a, --api-uri string          api uri, default value read from config if set (default "http://localhost:8088")
-c, --client string client used for connecting to Testkube API one of proxy|direct|cluster (default "proxy")
--go-template string go template to render (default "{{.}}")
--header stringToString headers for direct client key value pair: --header name=value (default [])
--insecure insecure connection for direct client
--namespace string Kubernetes namespace, default value read from config if set (default "testkube")
--oauth-enabled enable oauth
-o, --output string output type can be one of json|yaml|pretty|go (default "pretty")
--verbose show additional debug messages