testkube init standalone-agent
Install Testkube OSS in your current context
testkube init standalone-agent [flags]
--agent-prefix string usually don't need to be changed [required for custom cloud mode] (default "agent")
--agent-token string Testkube Pro agent key [required for centralized mode]
--agent-uri string Testkube Pro agent URI [required for centralized mode]
--agent-uri-override string agent uri override
--api-prefix string usually don't need to be changed [required for custom cloud mode] (default "api")
--api-uri-override string api uri override
--auth-uri-override string auth uri override
--chart string chart name (usually you don't need to change it) (default "kubeshop/testkube")
--custom-auth usually don't need to be changed [required for custom cloud mode]
--dry-run dry run mode - only print commands that would be executed
--embedded-nats embedded NATS server in agent
--env-id string Testkube Pro environment id [required for centralized mode]
--export Export the values.yaml
--feature-logs-v2 Logs v2 feature flag
--helm-arg stringToString helm arg option in form of key=value (default [])
--helm-set stringToString helm set option in form of key=value (default [])
-h, --help help for standalone-agent
--logs-prefix string usually don't need to be changed [required for custom cloud mode] (default "logs")
--logs-uri string Testkube Pro logs URI [required for centralized mode]
--logs-uri-override string logs service uri override
--master-insecure should client connect in insecure mode (will use http instead of https)
--name string installation name (usually you don't need to change it) (default "testkube")
--namespace string namespace where to install (default "testkube")
--no-confirm don't ask for confirmation - unatended installation mode
--no-minio don't install MinIO
--no-mongo don't install MongoDB
--org-id string Testkube Pro organization id [required for centralized mode]
--root-domain string usually don't need to be changed [required for custom cloud mode] (default "testkube.io")
--ui-prefix string usually don't need to be changed [required for custom cloud mode] (default "app")
--ui-uri-override string ui uri override
--values string path to Helm values file
Options inherited from parent commands
-a, --api-uri string api uri, default value read from config if set (default "http://localhost:8088")
-c, --client string client used for connecting to Testkube API one of proxy|direct|cluster (default "proxy")
--header stringToString headers for direct client key value pair: --header name=value (default [])
--insecure insecure connection for direct client
--verbose show additional debug messages
- testkube init - Init Testkube profiles(standalone-agent|demo|agent)