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testkube update testsuite

Update Test Suite


Update Test Custom Resource Definitions,

testkube update testsuite [flags]


      --cronjob-template string                    cron job template file path for extensions to cron job template
--cronjob-template-reference string reference to cron job template to use for the test
--execution-name string execution name, if empty will be autogenerated
-f, --file string JSON test file - will be read from stdin if not specified, look at testkube.TestUpsertRequest
-h, --help help for testsuite
--http-proxy string http proxy for executor containers
--https-proxy string https proxy for executor containers
--job-template string job template file path for extensions to job template
--job-template-reference string reference to job template to use for the test
-l, --label stringToString label key value pair: --label key1=value1 (default [])
--name string Set/Override test suite name
--pvc-template string pvc template file path for extensions to pvc template
--pvc-template-reference string reference to pvc template to use for the test
--schedule string test suite schedule in a cron job form: * * * * *
--scraper-template string scraper template file path for extensions to scraper template
--scraper-template-reference string reference to scraper template to use for the test
-s, --secret-variable stringArray secret variable key value pair: --secret-variable key1=value1
--secret-variable-reference stringToString secret variable references in a form name1=secret_name1=secret_key1 (default [])
--timeout int32 duration in seconds for test suite to timeout. 0 disables timeout.
-v, --variable stringArray param key value pair: --variable key1=value1

Options inherited from parent commands

  -a, --api-uri string          api uri, default value read from config if set (default "http://localhost:8088")
-c, --client string client used for connecting to Testkube API one of proxy|direct|cluster (default "proxy")
--header stringToString headers for direct client key value pair: --header name=value (default [])
--insecure insecure connection for direct client
--namespace string Kubernetes namespace, default value read from config if set (default "testkube")
--oauth-enabled enable oauth
--verbose show additional debug messages