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testkube create test

Create new Test


Create new Test Custom Resource

testkube create test [flags]


      --args-mode string                           usage mode for arguments. one of append|override|replace (default "append")
--artifact-dir stringArray artifact dirs for scraping
--artifact-mask stringArray regexp to filter scraped artifacts, single or comma separated, like report/.* or .*\.json,.*\.js$
--artifact-omit-folder-per-execution don't store artifacts in execution folder
--artifact-shared-between-pods whether to share volume between pods
--artifact-sidecar-scraper whether to run a scraper as a pod sidecar container
--artifact-storage-bucket string artifact storage bucket
--artifact-storage-class-name string artifact storage class name for container executor
--artifact-use-default-storage-class-name whether to use default storage class name
--artifact-volume-mount-path string artifact volume mount path for container executor
--command stringArray command passed to image in executor
--copy-files stringArray file path mappings from host to pod of form source:destination
--cronjob-template string cron job template file path for extensions to cron job template
--cronjob-template-reference string reference to cron job template to use for the test
--description string test description
--env stringToString envs in a form of name1=val1 passed to executor (default [])
--execute-postrun-script-before-scraping whether to execute postrun scipt before scraping or not (prebuilt executor only)
--execution-name string execution name, if empty will be autogenerated
--execution-namespace string namespace for test execution (Pro edition only)
--executor-args stringArray executor binary additional arguments
-f, --file string test file - will be read from stdin if not specified
--git-auth-type string auth type for git requests one of basic|header (default "basic")
--git-branch string if uri is git repository we can set additional branch parameter
--git-certificate-secret string if git repository is private we can use certificate as an auth parameter stored in a kubernetes secret name
--git-commit string if uri is git repository we can use commit id (sha) parameter
--git-path string if repository is big we need to define additional path to directory/file to checkout partially
--git-token string if git repository is private we can use token as an auth parameter
--git-token-secret stringToString git token secret in a form of secret_name1=secret_key1 for private repository (default [])
--git-uri string Git repository uri
--git-username string if git repository is private we can use username as an auth parameter
--git-username-secret stringToString git username secret in a form of secret_name1=secret_key1 for private repository (default [])
--git-working-dir string if repository contains multiple directories with tests (like monorepo) and one starting directory we can set working directory parameter
-h, --help help for test
--http-proxy string http proxy for executor containers
--https-proxy string https proxy for executor containers
--image string override executor container image
--image-pull-secrets stringArray secret name used to pull the image in container executor
--job-template string job template file path for extensions to job template
--job-template-reference string reference to job template to use for the test
-l, --label stringToString label key value pair: --label key1=value1 (default [])
--mount-configmap stringToString config map value pair for mounting it to executor pod: --mount-configmap configmap_name=configmap_mountpath (default [])
--mount-secret stringToString secret value pair for mounting it to executor pod: --mount-secret secret_name=secret_mountpath (default [])
-n, --name string unique test name - mandatory
--negative-test negative test, if enabled, makes failure an expected and correct test result. If the test fails the result will be set to success, and vice versa
--postrun-script string path to script to be run after test execution
--prerun-script string path to script to be run before test execution
--pvc-template string pvc template file path for extensions to pvc template
--pvc-template-reference string reference to pvc template to use for the test
--schedule string test schedule in a cron job form: * * * * *
--scraper-template string scraper template file path for extensions to scraper template
--scraper-template-reference string reference to scraper template to use for the test
--secret-env stringToString secret envs in a form of secret_key1=secret_name1 passed to executor (default [])
-s, --secret-variable stringArray secret variable key value pair: --secret-variable key1=value1
--secret-variable-reference stringToString secret variable references in a form name1=secret_name1=secret_key1 (default [])
--slave-pod-limits-cpu string slave pod resource limits cpu
--slave-pod-limits-memory string slave pod resource limits memory
--slave-pod-requests-cpu string slave pod resource requests cpu
--slave-pod-requests-memory string slave pod resource requests memory
--slave-pod-template string slave pod template file path for extensions to slave pod template
--slave-pod-template-reference string reference to slave pod template to use for the test
--source string source name - will be used together with content parameters
--source-scripts run scripts using source command (container executor only)
--test-content-type string content type of test one of string|file-uri|git
--timeout int duration in seconds for test to timeout. 0 disables timeout.
-t, --type string test type
--update update, if test already exists
--upload-timeout string timeout to use when uploading files, example: 30s
--uri string URI of resource - will be loaded by http GET
-v, --variable stringArray variable key value pair: --variable key1=value1
--variable-configmap stringArray config map name used to map all keys to basis variables
--variable-secret stringArray secret name used to map all keys to secret variables
--variables-file string variables file path, e.g. postman env file - will be passed to executor if supported

Options inherited from parent commands

  -a, --api-uri string          api uri, default value read from config if set (default "http://localhost:8088")
-c, --client string client used for connecting to Testkube API one of proxy|direct|cluster (default "proxy")
--crd-only generate only crd
--header stringToString headers for direct client key value pair: --header name=value (default [])
--insecure insecure connection for direct client
--namespace string Kubernetes namespace, default value read from config if set (default "testkube")
--oauth-enabled enable oauth
--verbose show additional debug messages