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Test Insights

Test Insights is an analytics tool integrated into Testkube that provides detailed metrics about the execution of your tests. This feature allows teams to track key performance indicators including the number of test executions, pass/fail rates, execution durations, and more, all within a user-friendly dashboard.

With Test Insights, DevOps and QA managers can quickly answer crucial questions that impact the testing cycle and overall software quality, such as:

  • Which tests take the longest to execute and why?
  • Which tests have the highest failure rates?
  • How do test performance metrics vary by type of test or by the tools used?
  • How do key test execution metrics change over time?

By integrating Test Insights into your testing workflow, your team can leverage several benefits:

  • Enhanced Visibility: Gain a clear overview of testing activities and outcomes, helping you manage and prioritize testing resources more effectively.
  • Data-Driven Decisions: Make informed decisions about where to allocate efforts for improving test efficiency and reliability.
  • Improved Test Efficiency: Identify and address inefficiencies in your testing process, leading to faster development cycles and higher quality software releases.

Using Test Insights

Test Insights is available in the left menu and provides two modules as shown in the screenshot below:

  • Execution Analysis - for operational metrics of your test executions
  • Test Reports - for strategic reporting of test results over time

Test Insights Tab

Execution Analysis

The top part of the Execution Analysis module shows high-level execution metrics for the time frame selected on the top right (see screenshot above).

The drop-down on the middle right allows you to select grouping of execution metrics either by status (as shown in the screenshot) or by Workflow:

Test Insights Execution Analysis by Workflows

Efficiency Quadrant Analysis

Scrolling down reveals a quadrant chart to visualize tests by execution time and frequency. Tests that frequently run and take longer to execute appear in the top right quadrant, highlighting them as prime candidates for optimization to reduce testing bottlenecks, improve cycle times and optimize infrastructure costs:

Test Insights - Efficiency Quadrant Analysis

Hovering a marker in the chart reveals the corresponding Workflow.

The table below the chart shows plotted Workflows sortable by a number of attributes.

Test Reports

This module shows the total number of test executions over a given period, along with their status outcomes (passed and failed), helping teams understand the impact of their applications evolution on quality and where they should focus their testing and bug-fixing efforts going forward.

Test Reports Module

The selector on the top right allows for narrowing down which timeframe to visualise.

There are a number of reports available:

Test Reports Module Reports

Advanced Report Filtering

The "Advanced filters" option in the screenshot above allows you to specify specifically which aggregate you want to apply to which measurement and segment of the underlying data.

Test Reports Advanced Filtering

JUnit Report analysis

As seen in the screenshots above, Testkube parses JUnit Reports found in Workflow artifacts and makes their specific Testcase counts and statuses available for analysis also.