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Organization Management

To manage your organization settings click "Organization Management" from organizations drop-down menu:

Organization Management

You can also create new organizations from this menu.

Organization Settings


In the environments section, you can see the list of your existing environments.

Existing Environments

GREEN status means that your agent is connected successfully.

In the case of a RED status, you can try to debug the issues with the command below:

testkube agent debug

Run this on your cluster where the given agent is installed.

Read more about Environment Management.


In settings, you can update the name of the organization, set artifacts limits, or enable or disable AI Hints and Webhooks URL Masking.

Organization Setting


For each organization you can define who has access and which actions each member can use.

Organization Members

There are 4 types of organization members:

  • Owner - Has access to all environments and organization settings, also can access billing details.
  • Admin - Has access to all environments and organization settings.
  • Member - Has limited access to environments, access is defined by the roles assigned to given member. Member by default doesn't have any access, you need to explicitly set it in the given environment.
  • Biller - Has access to billing details only.

API Tokens

API tokens allows running tests without linking the run to a specific account.

API Tokens

Usage & Billing

This section shows your current usage against the limits of your current plan.


For more details about the Testkube offerings, check our pricing page.

Usage Limits

If you are using the cloud version of Testkube you can upgrade your plan here. Once on the commercial plan, you will automatically be charged for additional users and environments in line with the current Pricing Model.

Upgrade plan