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Test Workflows - High-Level Architecture

Test Workflows analyze the expected operations and images, and build all the required native Kubernetes resources, like ConfigMaps and Secrets for data, and, most importantly, Jobs, and Pods for the actual execution.

After the Test Workflow execution is finished, all the created resources are deleted from the Kubernetes cluster.

Controlling TestWorkflow Execution



The Agent Server is responsible for controlling the Test Workflow execution. It:

  • creates all the required resources,
  • watches for their status and sends all the results to the storage or the Control Plane,
  • and, destroys resources after they are no longer needed.

The Test Workflows are resilient to Agent Server downtime. After the Agent Server is restarted, you are able to recover all Test Workflow information, as long as the execution Kubernetes resources are still intact.


For every execution, there is a Job created, that is used to schedule the actual execution pod. It is prepared specifically for Test Workflow, and only small set of properties is configurable.

You can control part of the Job specification, using spec.job property.


The Pod is actual execution unit in the Kubernetes. Based on the Test Workflow, we are building the Pod that will execute all the requested operations and return all the information within its logs.

Besides the automatically configured options, you are able to adjust most of the Pod specification in the spec.pod property.


The Test Workflow may have nested steps, but they must be executed one after one, so we need to flatten the steps into sequential operations.

All the sequential steps need to be run inside the same pod to access the shared file system. General Containers in Kubernetes are running in parallel (and don't split workload resources), so to achieve a sequential execution we are using Init Containers and the last container is in the containers.

Isolated Containers

Merging Containers

Using Init Containers has a flaw - often, in your cluster, there may be an Operator that is adding some container to every Pod. That container (i.e. in Istio), may be required for the routing.

Such containers are often added in the containers section, so they would be started after the Init Containers are completed.


Newer Kubernetes supports sidecar containers which are accessible for Init Containers too, and tools like Istio are already using it in newer versions.

To mitigate the problem, we try to merge multiple operations into a single container, when possible, to reduce the scope where it's not accessible. It reduces the isolation a bit, but also reduces the cluster overhead and mitigates similar serious issues.


Merging containers is a default behavior. To opt-out, you can use system flag in the Test Workflow or Global Template:

isolatedContainers: true

To avoid issues with the reduced isolation, by default we are merging together only the internal operations that won't suffer from it.

Merging Containers

Pure Steps

If you want part of your shell or run steps to allow merging with other shell/run steps, you have to specify pure: true for them. This way, they will be acknowledged as free of side effects and will be merged with next or previous step when it is possible.

# container 1
- shell: echo 'Hello world 1'
pure: true
- shell: echo 'Hello world 2'
# container 2
- shell: echo 'Hello world 3'
- shell: echo 'Hello world 4'
pure: true
- shell: echo 'Hello world 5'

If you wish to have that behavior by default for all steps, you can use a system flag in the Test Workflow or Global Template:

pureByDefault: true

Pure Workflow Containers

Init Process

To perform advanced orchestration, Test Workflows are using their own Init Process. That process is an actual command run in the container, where the environment is prepared, and executing the actual command to run.

Whenever you run a container with some command, like command: [ "curl", "" ], we are actually doing something similar to command: [ "/init", "curl", "" ]. The /init process is responsible for all the preparation, execution of actual command, and cleanup.

Fetching Image Metadata from the Container Registry

To build the proper Pod and Init Process, we need to know the most important details of the image, like:

  • Working Directory (workingDir / WORKDIR): to change current working directory between operations in a single container.
  • Command (command / ENTRYPOINT and args / CMD): to wrap with the Init Process.
  • User and Group (securityContext.runAsUser/runAsGroup / USER): to configure the file system.

Kubernetes doesn't have a direct mechanism to get this metadata. To obtain it, we need to fetch the data from the Container Registry when it is needed.

Private Container Registries

When the image you are using is stored in the private registry, you may need to add pod.imagePullSecrets to the specific Test Workflow or Global Template.

Avoid Fetching Image Metadata

Companies may have a strict policy of not storing the credentials for the Container Registry in the Kubernetes' Secret, or disallow Secrets at all.

When Testkube does not have access to the Container Registry, it may revoke running the Test Workflow with errors about not being able to access the private image metadata.

To overcome this issue, you need to make sure that every step has the above data (workingDir, securityContext.runAsUser/runAsGroup) provided, and you cannot use the run operation without specifying the command. As an example, you may set the default container configuration as follows:

workingDir: /data
runAsUser: 1001
runAsGroup: 1001

It can be added as part of specific Test Workflow, or globally in the Global Template.


Some images may be prepared to work correctly only with selected user/group IDs. In that case, the container may fail using the common one, and you will need to specify the expected one for this step.

Parallelization and Services

When you are scheduling Parallel Steps or Services, the main Test Workflow execution Pod is communicating directly with Kubernetes to create, monitor, and destroy the Jobs and Pods for each of requested parallel operations, similar to the actual execution.