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Workflow YAML Editor

This Definition panel under the Workflow settings provides a powerful YAML editor for editing your Workflows.


The editor uses the same editing component as VS-Code, so any editing features you are familiar with from there should apply here also.

Definition Settings

Editor Actions

The toolbar at the top right provides the following actions (left to right):

  • Search - global search and replace functionality, with regex, capitalization, etc.
  • Undo / Redo / Copy
  • Inline templates - to help you understand how used templates "play into" your Workflow by showing a side-by-side diff view of your Workflow with and without expanded templates (see example below).
  • Full-screen mode - opens the editor in a larger panel, helpful for editing larger Workflows.

Furthermore, the editor provides an F1-popup menu with an extensive list of editor actions:

Editor Popup Menu

Once you're happy with your changes, use the Save & Run option to the top right to immediately trigger an execution after saving, the corresponding Execution Details will be opened automatically.

Template Inlining

The below screenshot shows the Inline-Templates view in Full-screen mode:

  • the left panel shows the actual workflow with the use clause
  • the right part shows the steps inlined by the official--artillery--v1 template

Test Workflow editor in fullscreen with inline diff

Workflow Specific Editor Intelligence

The Workflow YAML editor in the Definition panel described above the has a number of features that help you work specifically with Workflow YAML:

Documentation Hovers

Helps you understand the purpose/usage of the corresponding Workflow property.

Editor Documentation Hover

Autocomplete for Applicable Properties

Helps you craft valid Workflow YAMLs

Workflow Properties Autocomplete

Error Indicators for Invalid Properties

Helps you find and correct Workflow YAML errors, in the below screenshot the service property is marked (it should be services)

Workflow Editor Error Marker

Autocomplete for Template Names

Helps you select valid template(s) used in your Workflows wherever a template name is expected:

Workflow Editor Template Auto-complete

Clickable Template References

Helps you navigate/open used templates for editing:

Workflow Editor Clickable Template References